District Achievements

Cypress School District Highlights 2012 - 2024


Modern school and district facilities with dedicated Music and STEM buildings

Choral and instrumental music opportunities for all grade levels

Utilization of district owned properties to generate local revenue to support programs

Fiscally solvent budget - We are conservative with our funds in order to serve students and staff to ride out difficult economic times. We have sustained a high credit rating, which is vital when a district needs to borrow money.  We have avoided layoffs that have troubled neighboring districts.

Covid policies that got students and staff back on campus, according to their own preferences of three separate schedules

Board conducts regular self evaluation to improve our governance practices

Board conducts regular “Good Beginnings” workshops to reorient, reconnect, and align members’ visions

Pre-school programs - State pre-school and special education pre-school programs with blended classes

Partner with ABC, Carousel, OC Kids, and Boys and Girls Club to provide Extended Learning Opportunities Program for both after school and intersession programs

Investigating the exciting opportunity to offer a Dual Language Immersion Program


Visit schools routinely - both in class visits and visits for special events and activities

Ongoing professional development (for trustees) - I attend countless workshops and trainings to keep myself aware of what is happening in education. Just like we expect of our staff, I too am a lifelong learner. It is our obligation to be informed so that we can best serve our community. 

Served as board president three times